Common Dandelion

(Taraxacum officinale, fam. Compositae)

The dandelion is a perennial cabbage-like plant, with an oval and spindle-like root. All organs of the plant are rich in white milk juice and have bitter taste. In addition to other things, seeds are also typical for this plant that have hairs and due to them the wind scatters the seed all over, making the plant very widely dispersed.

The root is the most used part, followed by the entire plant or just the leaves, which are a delicacy of a kind, when prepared as a salad. The root contains the highest quantity of active substances that carry medical properties, the most important of which are taraxacin – bitter substance, then triterpenes – taraxol and taraxaserol, oil acids, innulin 40%, carotenoids, etc.

The leaves are rich in vitamin C.


Just like all other bitter drugs, the dandelion root improves the appetite and has positive effect on the digestion organs.

Besides the mineral salts, this drug conceals important healing substances with an effect on metabolism, and this explains its use as a blood cleansing means, gout, rheumatism, swollen glands, and is also successfully used in the treatment of jaundice, inflammation of the gall-bladder and bile tracts, chronic inflammation of the liver or spleen.

The tea made of this herb is at the same time a mild laxant, causes sweating, and has diuretic and refreshing effect.