Red Hawthorne

(Crataegus oxyacantha, fam. Rosaceae)

The drug consists of dry red hawthorne leaves and flowers.

Hathorne is deciduous perennial plant, growing in shrubs or low trees, 2-3 m tall. Leaves are collected when the plant blooms and flowers are well developed, whereas flowers are collected before they fully bloom, in April – May and dried naturally or in dryers.

Dried organs of hawthorne contain flavonoids – rutozid, hyperoside, saponosides, adenine and other purine derivatives, choline, acetylcholine, tannins, aromatic acids.

Leaves and flowers of hawthorne are used as mild tranquilizer, medication against insomnia, anxiety, breathing difficulties, sedatives for the heart, and they reduce blood pressure as they expand blood vessels, i.e. have vasodilatory effect.

The main indication for use of hawthorne tea is abnormal heart beat (arrhythmia) and heart rate reduction (decompensated heart failure). In this case, tea of dried hawthorne leaves and flowers is mixed with equal amount of balm, prepared as infuse and consumed three times a day before every meal.

It is good to combine hawthorne tea with equal amounts of equiseti herba and mistletoe tea for arthrosclerosis and high blood pressure, whereas mixture of hop, valerian and balm tea is efficient in stress treatment.

It should be indicated that longer use of hawthorne may cause its intolerance. Therefore, make a pause of 2-3 days. Certainly, the patient must be constantly monitored by doctor.