Common Knotgrass

(Polygonum aviculare, fam. Polygonaceae)

Annual cabbage-like herb, whose thin, strong, tough trunks crawl on the ground. It has tiny, long leaves and very small pinkish or reddish flowers.

It contains flavonoid heterosoides, tannins, vitamin C, mucilage, resins, and sugars.


The knotgrass tea is used in multiple ways in popular and scientific medicine, primarily as a mild remedy in treating digestion organs: duodenum and stomach ulcers, diarrhea, intestinal and stomach inflammations, irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane, vomiting.

It is classified as a diuretic tea, useful for throwing out stones and sand from kidneys; together with the nettle leaves, it is used in cases of blood in the urine, whereas in combination with white mistletoe and shepherd’s-purse - against prolonged and intensified menstrual hemorrhaging.