
(Rosmarinus officinalis, fam. Labiateae)

Rosemary is evergreen shrub, extensively branched, with needle-like, green, brittle, leather-like leaves bumped above, furrowed in the middle. Flowers are tiny, blue, the whole plant has pleasant and aromatic smell of camphor, whereas the taste is hot, aromatic, and bitter.

The main ingredient within this medication is essential oil rich with pinene, camphene, eucalyptol, camphor, borneol and isobornyl acetate.

Rosemary leaf is used in popular medicine within teas for bathing, against skin irritation and for rinsing of hair – as it increases the hair growth due to improving of blood circulation. It is added to mixed teas against gall-bladder diseases (cholagogue effect) as it increases bile secretion.

Dry rosemary leaves, combined with sage reduces increased sweating, soothes nerves, relaxes and is therefore recommended to women going through menopause. It is also indicated for regulation of menstrual periods in young women and reduces the increased vaginal discharge.